Thursday, May 24, 2012

Graduation Day

With the rush of Senior 2012 season behind me, I am now forced to face the fact that I too have a graduate. A KINDERGARTEN graduate. Tonight is the night! And I think I have all the anxiety of those mother's sending their babies off to the big world of college, and new places and real life! How did this happen? How is it that my precious baby boy is already going to first grade? I just want to set bricks on his head and hope he will stay little. I have been needing to get some new pictures of him, and today, we did it! He even admitted that it was fun. Today, Brady loves baseball, has a mean streak, loves fancy tennis shoes, adores Tom & Jerry cartoon and loves to watch them from the comfort of my bed. He doesn't eat well at all. Favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, and brownies. Prefers to dress in what he calls "shiny shorts" and t-shirts ALL THE TIME. He loves to irritate Hayes, has a bit of a mean streak, has a smile that melts my heart and honestly LOVES being the third child of this family. We LOVE you Brady Bug!!!! Graduation-34_editedcm

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